Success Stories
Out of the Nest and Ready to Fly On Their Own
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; andthey shall walk, and not faint.
Isaiah 40:30 KJV
Eagle Creek is so proud of the thousands of men that have found a renewed life by choosing to be a part of our recovery program. Our graduates have become great fathers, participants in the community, Pastors and leaders. Here are just a few that offered to share their success with you.
I’m Jared McDaniel from Shreveport, Louisiana. For years I lived a reckless life with drugs and alcohol. At my bottom in 2010 I found a place called Eagle Creek. At Eagle Creek I found a joy and a fire that I did not think could ever exist. My life changed completely in Jesus Christ. Now I live a new life with a burning desire to share this with others.
Hi my name is Rowdy Vasquez. I’m 24 years old from Texarkana, Arkansas. Several of my family members have been delivered from drugs through Eagle Creek so I decided to give it a shot. At Eagle Creek I found my walk with Jesus and have been completely delivered from drugs. So thank you Jesus for Eagle Creek!
My name is Conway Boone. I was born in Monroe Louisiana. At Caddo Correctional Center I surrendered my life to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit led me to Eagle Creek Recovery Center, where I learned who I am in Christ. That I am the child of the most High God; that I am the head and not the tail; and that all power and authority over the enemy belong to me. And last but not least that I am a champion.
Since leaving Eagle Creek I have since acquired my commercial contractor’s license and am living in Ruston Louisiana were serve at Life Church on the volunteer pastoral team. I also teach Sunday school, a midweek group and I spend several hours a week bringing a message of hope to those still suffering alcoholics and drug addicts in local treatment centers and small groups.
My name is Blake Walton from Denham Springs, Louisiana. All through high school I use a variety of drugs for recreational use within the first year being out of school. I was addicted to opioids them for the next 10 years. I became an IV user addicted to OxyContin, meth and heroin. In 2016 I was willing to attend Eagle Creek. While there I learned how to have a relationship with God. Eagle Creek helped me identify deep-rooted issues and how to overcome them. It changed my life tremendously. I’m now involved in Godly things, not worldly things. When life throws a curveball I now know how to deal with it and I know who to give it to. I pray through instead of go use. Today are now able to be the child of God that was called to be. I’m now the son, father and husband my family always wanted from me. My whole family has been restored and I have a right relationship with in-laws that once disowned me. I am now serving others and receiving all the blessings God has stored up for me. Thank you Jesus and Eagle Creek for bringing me out of this very dark world I was living in.
My name is Garnel Richardson and I am a graduate of Eagle Creek Recovery Center. Before coming to Eagle Creek I was lost and broken. I had a very bad addition to crack cocaine and it had basically ruined by life. While at Eagle Creek I was able to establish a firm foundation with the Lord and got to know Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Eagle Creek also taught me life skills, how to be a man, accept responsibility and most importantly respect. Without the genuine love and support that the staff showed me I don’t know where I would be today. Thank you Eagle Creek for helping save my life.
My name’s Ian Fridge from South of Baton Rouge from a place called Gonzales, Louisiana. My main struggle was opiates, and even toward the end there, cocaine. I had experienced some dark, depressing and sad moment. I lost my identity in Christ, I believed the lie the enemy and I was consumed by sin. Through a mutual friend I was able to get in contact with Quinton Light. I took a 5 1/2 hour bus ride to get here. Originally I was going to stay 30 days, but I quickly recognized the significance of having a place that emphasizes the presence of God and that is set apart from the world. Now Shreveport is my home of experienced spiritual restoration, emotional and mental healing. I look forward to putting my hand to the plow and moving forward the kingdom of God in Shreveport, Louisiana.
My name is John Baten and I was born in Shreveport Louisiana. Before Eagle Creek I was dependent on drugs, alcohol and had no direction. Life had lost its purpose. Today I am employed, have the strongest connection to God that I ever have and everything I do I do with purpose and for the Lord.
My name is Robert Cook. Thank you Eagle Creek for helping me not only get off of drugs and alcohol, but also giving me my family back, and helping me discover the life God had planned for me all along. I am forever grateful for the work you do.

My name is Cory Cassels. In 2010 I entered Eagle Creek. I was addicted and homeless with a life of in and out of jail. I viewed life through the lens of a victimized addict. At EagleCreek I was encouraged by truth, in love. God changed my identity and gave me a new name.
John 8:32 KJVS [32] And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make youfree.

My name is Jason Farles. To know me now would be difficult to believe my past. Reflecting back I would say I just rebelled, then I didn’t care anymore. My past was marked with a dozen arrests, three trips to prison, multiple county jail incarcerations, three drug recovery programs and an early marriage that was more of a battle field than a relationship; all because of the presence of drugs in my life.
I had a praying mother that refused to give up. Also a Grandfather, three uncles and more family all involved in the ministry. Even with that background there were those times I would just ‘disappear’ for months at a time. I would find myself living in a shed without electricity, water or food. As much as I hated the life I had become a part of, the battle of the addition still seemed to be stronger. I had reached the final stage where I decided I just don’t want to live anymore. It was my mother, the one that continued to believe in me, who began to talk to me about Eagle Creek.
The process of getting to Eagle Creek took me a year. There were those three times that all I had to do was to step through the open door and sit in the car to leave, but there was the delay. It finally happened in November of 2015.
Eagle Creek saved my life. It showed me I could have a real true relationship with a God that loves me. It gave me hope and encouragement and burning desire to help others.

My name is Justin Hermes. Before I entered Eagle Creek I lost everything; my business, my house, and most importantly my family!
I grew up in church and went to Evangel Christian Academy. I have amazing Christian parents and grand parents. At the age of 22 I got hooked on pills and it gradually took over my life.
At the age of 34 my entire world as I knew it exploding in front of me. I knew it was time do something about it.
I entered Eagle Creek with a hunger for help and hope! This was the biggest and best choice I’ve made in my life! In the program,for the first time I developed a real relationship with Jesus. I began to read my bible, and my prayer life was what I longed for. I gave complete control of my life to the Lord and miracles began to happen, and I mean happen FAST!
My wife who had filed for divorce had a complete change of heart and stopped the divorce! I was given my old job back that I never in a million years thought was possible. Since being out of the program a year, the Lord blessed us with another child, our only little girl. My finances have come all the way back and am in the process of buying a new home!
Eagle Creek is Holy Ground and will always have a very very special place in my heart! It saved my life and will be a generational blessing as well.