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Let Your Success Begin Here


Program Director Quinton Light and On-site Director Rowdy Vasquez explain our program and the impact of its benefits.



Our peaceful and inspirational campus is the home of a former church refurbished to fit the needs of our recovery program. Nestled in the beautiful East Texas country it offers a place of rest and separation so desperately needed by those trapped in the grip of addiction. The 3-month stay consists of an introduction to Christ-focused programs designed to resolve the issues that led to addiction, the skill sets to deal with future life crises, and a focus on responsibility and service. A profession of faith is not required for a resident to enter into our program, but our emphasis is placed on a faith based discipline which is necessary for a lasting recovery.


Our program is designed to provide an understanding of the steps involved in Christian Recovery and the value of creating a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Eagle Creek Recovery is a subsidiary of Shreveport Community Church and our program residents participate in all the services, receive free access to all our church special programs and are recognized with honor for their efforts toward changing their life. There is a daily morning devotional time, The Gate, which is open to all the men and women of the community. Church and outside attendees that are prominent in the community offer insight and mentoring to the residents. For those who choose to accept Christ into their lives, the offer of baptism is provided to complete their profession of faith.  


Residents go through programs that set them up for future success. Classes not only include programmed Biblical courses that support recovery and life preparations, but also of life skills. Classes range from personality profile courses, dealing with anger and emotions, and goal setting methods. Our classes are taught by people trained in drug addiction, pastors, and by others experienced in their particular field of training. Our classes and mentoring groups are a source of pride and dedication by the members of our supporting churches and other churches from across our areas of contact.


Everyone that gets trapped in a cycle of addiction arrived there through their own paths. For this reason the way out for each person is different and has individual issues; our counselors are pastoral counselors experienced with the addiction lifestyle. Counselors guide the residents through an identification of emotional issues and life challenges that played a role in their addictive lifestyle; while focusing on a deeper understanding of God.